The Difference Between GERD and Heartburn
GERD - OverviewGastroesophageal Reflux Disease is a chronic condition, whereas acid reflux (or heartburn) is a relatively mild ailment. The major difference between the two is the severity and frequency of attacks. Ordinary heartburn rarely causes long-term medical issues. However, untreated GERD can cause major medical problems leading to life-threatening consequences. The Mechanics of Acid Reflux Digestive juices create havoc when they escape from the stomach. These fluids are a mixture of hydrochloric acid, pepsin (a digestive enzyme) and bile. Although the stomach lining is impervious to this corrosive mixture, the lining of the food pipe is not. There is a valve situated at the junction between the esophagus (food pipe) and the stomach, called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Its secondary function is to allow food to pass into the stomach while at the same time, preventing the upward reflux of acids. Common Causes of Heartburn On occasion, small amounts of digestive fluid do escape into the esophagus of a healthy person, for example:
However, there's no need to worry. This occasional onslaught is not likely to cause injury, because the corrosive fluids are soon flushed away by:
As mentioned above, bicarbonate is a natural substance created by our own bodies in order to counteract acidity. This means that there are no harmful chemically induced side effects. Using this method instead of resorting to over the counter antacids that often contain aluminum oxide and chemical buffering agents, is by far and away the best treatment for occasional heartburn and severe GERD - and it's also a heck of a lot cheaper than man-made chemicals ;-) Why GERD Increases the Frequency of Acid Reflux There is an urgent call for action when a person suffers from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. In a GERD sufferer, acid reflux followed by chronic heartburn is caused by a defective LES, which allows acid to back up into the food pipe more frequently. For a number of reasons, the ring of muscle making up the sphincter valve is weakened. This causes the LES to remain open longer than it should and also to open spontaneously between swallows. The LES also has a tendency to relax when a person is asleep, causing nighttime acid reflux. This usually leads to nocturnal heartburn because:
This effect is reduced in the prone position. As a result, digestive juices can seep sideways through the relaxed LES and into the esophagus. These problems are further compounded if the patient suffers from a hiatus hernia. Other Contributing Factors
Complications Associated With GERD Allowing frequent attacks without seeking medical treatment can lead to serious consequences (see Barrett’s Esophagus). When to See a Doctor The following cannot be overstressed: If you suffer from persistent heartburn and attacks occur twice a week or more, you may have GERD... See your healthcare provider immediately! Click here for an unbiased review of an important acid reflux eBook. ----Sidebar---- Need Help? e-mail us at: remedybusters@gmail.com or click here.Was This Article Helpful? PayPal - The safer, easier way to donate!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~References
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